I wish to thank my Students, Grand Students and Great Grand Students for their remembrance of me on my birthday. The one great pleasure a Teacher enjoys is the love and respect he receives from those who he has effected in some way by the teachings.
A teachers greatest reward is knowing their are those who love the Arts as he does. I have been in this Art more years I care to count now but each year has brought me great gratification seeing our members grow in number. This is why our Art has survived for thousands of years. Still now the chain of knowledge is being spread from one generation to the next. My hope is you all will continue to learn and spread the teachings to future generations to come..
I may not see many of you, but you can see me through the teachings and traditions that are being taught to you by your Shifu and Master levels. I may never meet all of you but you are a part of me as I am a part of my Masters. The techniques you do and the forms you perform all come from your heritage. We are from the same gene and like DNA our makeup is the same.
Thank you all for you dedication and love, I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of you. My hope is the same as your Shifu, and that is, that you continue to train and follow the path to the end. I can promise you this, if you do, you will never regret the time you spent getting there.
May the Supreme Being Bless You All
Ma Shrya
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Great Students
I had the good fortune to have a number of Great Masters in my life, but a Great Masters are only as good as the student he/she teaches. Anyone one Master you ever meet can be one of the best, but if he/she doesn't impart their knowledge to others it will fade away in time. This is why Great Masters are always on the lookout for those special students they can reveal their secrets to.
A poor student is nothing but a waste of precious life time. A good student is a Masters greatest gift to preserve his or her knowledge for future generations. This is why Great Masters only had a few who they imparted their knowledge to. The reason is simply, great students are hard to find but when they find one they give them all they have.
My Masters were special people, they loved their Art above all else. None were rich as far as money was concerned, in fact they lived rather meager lives. Money was never their goal for teaching, only the love for what they did motivated them.
Each Master I met was unique in their own way, but the thing they did have in common was the Love for for their chosen Art. If your looking for a good Master look at their character, that will reveal their quality. If money drives them, back away and find another teacher, If they have no compassion or no strong faith in the spiritual find another Master. If they hold back knowledge after a long periods of time that have nothing to offer. If they only teach you about fighting and nothing else find another, there is so much more a Great Master can offer other then mere fighting to live a beneficial life, such as Wu-De and Spiritual Kung Fu.
Each of my Masters had the qualities I speak of. They were men driven by their principles and love for sharing their knowledge to those who stood up to their standards. None of them are alive now but they live on through those few they taught, those are the few I call the Great Students........
A poor student is nothing but a waste of precious life time. A good student is a Masters greatest gift to preserve his or her knowledge for future generations. This is why Great Masters only had a few who they imparted their knowledge to. The reason is simply, great students are hard to find but when they find one they give them all they have.
My Masters were special people, they loved their Art above all else. None were rich as far as money was concerned, in fact they lived rather meager lives. Money was never their goal for teaching, only the love for what they did motivated them.
Each Master I met was unique in their own way, but the thing they did have in common was the Love for for their chosen Art. If your looking for a good Master look at their character, that will reveal their quality. If money drives them, back away and find another teacher, If they have no compassion or no strong faith in the spiritual find another Master. If they hold back knowledge after a long periods of time that have nothing to offer. If they only teach you about fighting and nothing else find another, there is so much more a Great Master can offer other then mere fighting to live a beneficial life, such as Wu-De and Spiritual Kung Fu.
Each of my Masters had the qualities I speak of. They were men driven by their principles and love for sharing their knowledge to those who stood up to their standards. None of them are alive now but they live on through those few they taught, those are the few I call the Great Students........
Quantum Physics
People may wonder how I became involved with what I am about to speak about, which is life after death and the immortal soul. Well let me explain first before I get into this subject. The martial arts takes you down many roads along the journey. It is far more then mere fighting if you investigate the many roads along the way. Of course if you only focus on the techniques and forms as such then surely you will miss the bigger picture namely the meaning and purpose of life itself.
Where you may ask does the martial arts speak of this? Well students do hear about Buddhism and Taoism but some really don't take the time to investigate the deeper meanings in these philosophies. They are not religions as such because there is no God head per say, of course some will make a religion out of them but I am not going there. I am only referring to the ideas which they convey about life and death and yes even the after life. In Tibetan Buddhism their is a book called "The Tibetan Book of the Dead" where they described what to expect after death and the journey of the soul back to rebirth. True or not it certainly gives you something to think about as a possibility of what is to come.
Being born Christian, I of course was told of only one life and one death and either a hell or heaven that awaited us. Because of my encounters with all these different religions and philosophies I was driven to find out more. They all seemed to be possible if you keep an open mind. So I started to compare all the Religions of the world to see what they thought about the after life. In a way they all made some kind of sense in one way or another. But yet they all still seemed to be missing the mark in some way in my mind. Some things did just did not make sense to me. So I keep looking for more answers to make the puzzle fit somehow in my mind.
I turned to science for the answers, and came way with answers that somehow made more sense to me. One of them was the study of quantum physics and our connection to the universe. This study, to say the least is so heavy even the best minds in the world are stumped as to all the implications it offers as to the working of the mind, and yes even the soul. It speaks of time and space on a whole new level of understanding that just confounds human thinking. But even if you understand the smallest bits it's can change your way of looking at life and death.
In my studies I came across NDE (Near Death Experience) and read hundreds of cases who claim to have experienced this phenomena. Some of the best minds in quantum physics cant agree if what these people are experiencing is real or just a product of a dying brain that is oxygen starved creating an hallucination. Some of the world greatest doctors say this in not just a dream state or a trick of the mind because complete awareness is present when in some cases the brian has flat lined and the person is declared brain dead. No brain wave at all and no heart beat, yet full awareness. In some case these people are dead from minutes to hours and in rare cases even more then a day.
What they see and hear during this period of death has to make you wonder is there in fact something else
beyond death? They hear voices, see brilliant lights and seem to leave the physical body behind as they travel to what they describe as a heavenly realm. There they speak of having a full blown conversation with heavenly beings. They speak of a realm of pure love and non judgement. Only after being told they must return to human form do they return to the physical body, unwillingly at that. Most if not all say they would have rather stayed in this spirit state of being, but were ordered to return as it was not yet their time to die; and they had to go back to finish their mission on earth, whatever that mission may be?
Now if you again look in quantum physics it speaks of consciousness as being separate from the function of the brain. Those who study the brain say there is something called micro tubular's in the brain that act as quantum receivers of atoms and are in fact part of the same matter that constitutes the same makeup of the universe itself. Here is where our consciousness comes from and rejoins after death, in essence it is your soul. At death the atoms that compromise the makeup of the brain return to is source with full awareness. On rebirth these atoms are merely reassembled into another form, or should I say person, As they say after all; matter can not be destroyed only transformed.
I don't have all the answers, I don't even have some of them, but I can say, this is possible, Science does state there are in fact other dimensions, and some quantum physicists will tell you they have found to be eleven dimensions. Time itself is considered the fourth dimension it is called space time, but if you keep looking into quantum physics it leads to the string theory which again speaks of multiple dimensions of conscious awarensss.
Whatever the answer really is, no one can tell you for sure at present as we only just opening up new doorways to possibilities that a least our science can detect as real. We know consciousness exist we just don't know what it is yet, We know there are other dimensions, we just don't know where they lead, We know there seems to be some kind of intelligent design to the universe we just don't know how this is possible yet. We know one thing for sure, and that is we simply don't know yet but quantum physics tells us it is there. I learned all this just by waking down the road of the martial arts. As you walk, look and ponder, for there is much more then just living and dying, it's not that easy..........
Where you may ask does the martial arts speak of this? Well students do hear about Buddhism and Taoism but some really don't take the time to investigate the deeper meanings in these philosophies. They are not religions as such because there is no God head per say, of course some will make a religion out of them but I am not going there. I am only referring to the ideas which they convey about life and death and yes even the after life. In Tibetan Buddhism their is a book called "The Tibetan Book of the Dead" where they described what to expect after death and the journey of the soul back to rebirth. True or not it certainly gives you something to think about as a possibility of what is to come.
Being born Christian, I of course was told of only one life and one death and either a hell or heaven that awaited us. Because of my encounters with all these different religions and philosophies I was driven to find out more. They all seemed to be possible if you keep an open mind. So I started to compare all the Religions of the world to see what they thought about the after life. In a way they all made some kind of sense in one way or another. But yet they all still seemed to be missing the mark in some way in my mind. Some things did just did not make sense to me. So I keep looking for more answers to make the puzzle fit somehow in my mind.
I turned to science for the answers, and came way with answers that somehow made more sense to me. One of them was the study of quantum physics and our connection to the universe. This study, to say the least is so heavy even the best minds in the world are stumped as to all the implications it offers as to the working of the mind, and yes even the soul. It speaks of time and space on a whole new level of understanding that just confounds human thinking. But even if you understand the smallest bits it's can change your way of looking at life and death.
In my studies I came across NDE (Near Death Experience) and read hundreds of cases who claim to have experienced this phenomena. Some of the best minds in quantum physics cant agree if what these people are experiencing is real or just a product of a dying brain that is oxygen starved creating an hallucination. Some of the world greatest doctors say this in not just a dream state or a trick of the mind because complete awareness is present when in some cases the brian has flat lined and the person is declared brain dead. No brain wave at all and no heart beat, yet full awareness. In some case these people are dead from minutes to hours and in rare cases even more then a day.
What they see and hear during this period of death has to make you wonder is there in fact something else
beyond death? They hear voices, see brilliant lights and seem to leave the physical body behind as they travel to what they describe as a heavenly realm. There they speak of having a full blown conversation with heavenly beings. They speak of a realm of pure love and non judgement. Only after being told they must return to human form do they return to the physical body, unwillingly at that. Most if not all say they would have rather stayed in this spirit state of being, but were ordered to return as it was not yet their time to die; and they had to go back to finish their mission on earth, whatever that mission may be?
Now if you again look in quantum physics it speaks of consciousness as being separate from the function of the brain. Those who study the brain say there is something called micro tubular's in the brain that act as quantum receivers of atoms and are in fact part of the same matter that constitutes the same makeup of the universe itself. Here is where our consciousness comes from and rejoins after death, in essence it is your soul. At death the atoms that compromise the makeup of the brain return to is source with full awareness. On rebirth these atoms are merely reassembled into another form, or should I say person, As they say after all; matter can not be destroyed only transformed.
I don't have all the answers, I don't even have some of them, but I can say, this is possible, Science does state there are in fact other dimensions, and some quantum physicists will tell you they have found to be eleven dimensions. Time itself is considered the fourth dimension it is called space time, but if you keep looking into quantum physics it leads to the string theory which again speaks of multiple dimensions of conscious awarensss.
Whatever the answer really is, no one can tell you for sure at present as we only just opening up new doorways to possibilities that a least our science can detect as real. We know consciousness exist we just don't know what it is yet, We know there are other dimensions, we just don't know where they lead, We know there seems to be some kind of intelligent design to the universe we just don't know how this is possible yet. We know one thing for sure, and that is we simply don't know yet but quantum physics tells us it is there. I learned all this just by waking down the road of the martial arts. As you walk, look and ponder, for there is much more then just living and dying, it's not that easy..........
Monday, July 11, 2011
We Don't Die
The more I study the more I am convinced we never die. Many religions have stated the same in their beliefs, Of course some of us will believe it, while others will not. So what has convinced me to believe more, rather then doubt this is true?
Science has convinced me, especially if you look into quantum physics. This new science is revealing more of what reality is each passing day. What is consciousness, what is the soul, what is God? All these timeless questions are examined using quantum physics and it does give rise to possible answers. This science is revealing startling discoveries that can rattle the human mind.
Understanding this new science is extremely difficult. Even the best minds in the world cant say they understand all the implications of this study. But one thing is for sure, they do know there is many discoveries that point to new found answers we never knew until now about life death and the universe. Of course answers only bring more questions, however, what we thought to be true until now is changing rapidly each day by this ongoing study.
Of course scientists may differ in what all this means, but they do agree what we originally thought about the soul, consciousness, and god has changed since they looked into this new science. There does seem to be a divine order to creation and existence as we know it.
By the study of the atom and proton and neutron science has found reality to be very much different then what they thought. What is true reality is yet to be discovered, if that is possible at all. However, we do know it is not what we originally thought it to be.
They have also discovered by this new science the brain is more of a receiver of thoughts then a creator of thoughts. Also this thing we call the soul may well be connected to the universe, in ways never dreamed of before. All this is stemming from the study of quantum physics.
For those who doubt what I say, I suggest you do some self study into these matters and draw your own conclusions. In the end, what we all thought as just living and dying and nothing more, may prove to be the biggest illusion yet.
Science has convinced me, especially if you look into quantum physics. This new science is revealing more of what reality is each passing day. What is consciousness, what is the soul, what is God? All these timeless questions are examined using quantum physics and it does give rise to possible answers. This science is revealing startling discoveries that can rattle the human mind.
Understanding this new science is extremely difficult. Even the best minds in the world cant say they understand all the implications of this study. But one thing is for sure, they do know there is many discoveries that point to new found answers we never knew until now about life death and the universe. Of course answers only bring more questions, however, what we thought to be true until now is changing rapidly each day by this ongoing study.
Of course scientists may differ in what all this means, but they do agree what we originally thought about the soul, consciousness, and god has changed since they looked into this new science. There does seem to be a divine order to creation and existence as we know it.
By the study of the atom and proton and neutron science has found reality to be very much different then what they thought. What is true reality is yet to be discovered, if that is possible at all. However, we do know it is not what we originally thought it to be.
They have also discovered by this new science the brain is more of a receiver of thoughts then a creator of thoughts. Also this thing we call the soul may well be connected to the universe, in ways never dreamed of before. All this is stemming from the study of quantum physics.
For those who doubt what I say, I suggest you do some self study into these matters and draw your own conclusions. In the end, what we all thought as just living and dying and nothing more, may prove to be the biggest illusion yet.
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